The Power of Surrender

Written by Raymond Salas

Did you know that no matter how happy (or not) you are in this moment you can be happier?

Did you also know that you do not have any idea what outcome is best in any area of your life or what would truly bring you the most joy and happiness?

Do you know the quickest way to access your true potential and actually experience it, instead of just hearing or reading about it?

To explore these questions, look no further than “the power of surrender.”

I know surrender is probably not the first thing that popped into your mind. Surrender does not sound appealing to most people. In fact, surrender is usually equated with giving up, losing, and defeat. As a result, the power of surrender has mostly been misunderstood and avoided.

However, I have come to learn that the power of surrender is actually a powerful tool for silencing your ego enough to allow your highest self and true potential to come shining through without resistance (subconscious and unconscious). In fact, it is the single most effective and efficient means I have found for accomplishing all of this, but it still does not sound appealing to most people. 

Alcoholics Anonymous and other support groups recommend surrender, through the turning over of your life to a higher power, as an essential part of any recovery program. The value and power here is that it has been proven to work, even in the most challenging circumstances. But granted, it’s not always easy for most people to do.

I remember hearing author and lecturer Marianne Williamson speak and encourage others to turn their life over to God and ask that it be used for Its purposes and not their own. I “chewed” on this concept a little after hearing it. 

At the time, I was at a very happy place in my life, so I figured “Why not? My life could only get better.” I did exactly as she suggested and felt really good about it…initially. 

Within six months, I lost my job, home, relationship, and was extremely confused and upset about it all. “What happened?” I wondered. At the time, I was not making the correlation between my changed circumstances and my prayer request. 

Six more months passed as I searched for answers to help me understand what had happened in my life. Finally, in desperation, I said to God, “I give up. If You want me, You come and get me.” I was extremely frustrated at that moment. 

I did receive an answer, but initially, I didn’t realize it.

The following week, after my “come and get me God” declaration, I received a call from a non-profit I had been volunteering for. As it turned out, they needed help managing their computer database. I wasn’t necessarily a computer expert and told them so during the interview. They hired me anyways. Go figure.

Soon, after I started my new job, I needed to move out of the relative’s house I had been staying in. It had been six months and they wanted their spare room back. I surrendered this too.

Within a couple of days, a man, who was doing community service work at the non-profit where I worked, came up to me to say he managed apartments, heard that I needed one, and just happened to have one available. I went to see it and got the apartment. It was a large, beautiful, perfect space for me and well within my budget.

During this time, I was also introduced to Energy Healing and began doing healing work, whenever requested, for people in need. I also led a daily prayer circle, facilitated a meditation group, and was hired as a coach and spiritual counselor. 

It was indeed a very busy time for me, but I never really realized it. Everything in my life just seemed to “flow and “fall into my lap,” without any effort or prompting on my part. Furthermore, all of this happened without me consciously setting a goal or trying to make anything happen. 

Looking back, I am so grateful for this miraculous period in my life. However, it was a couple of years later before I made the connection between the blossoming new direction of my life and my original act of surrender.

I have come to believe there is a “blueprint” of our potential within each of us, just “waiting” behind a metaphorical door in our awareness. Our greatest desires, hopes, dreams, and wishes are written here on this blueprint. The most effective, efficient, and powerful key for opening this door is through the surrendering to our Inner Being.

When you surrender to your Inner Being, you are effectively saying “I don’t know what outcome is best here or what would truly make me happy, but You, my Inner Being does. Choose for me now.” Your Inner Being is God, your Higher Self, and the One Source Energy. Therefore, your Inner Being knows all that you truly are, past, present, and future. Your Inner Being knows all of your skills, abilities, talents, gifts, loves, passions, joys, and your original intentions for incarnating in this lifetime. 

Accessing your Inner Being directly through surrender will help to temporarily bypass your ego defenses and silence your fears. Your ego is incapable of knowing your highest potential or best interests. Only your Inner Being does. 

Surrender to It and watch your life transform and become everything it was intended to be. 

Related and recommended post:
How to Tap the Power of Daily Surrender