Book review: "The Shift" by Dr. Wayne Dyer
Written by Raymond Salas
Do you believe any of the following:
"Who I am is what I have"
"Who I am is what I do"
"Who I am is what others think of me"
"I am separate from everyone else"
"I am separate from what's missing in my life"
"I am separate from God"
If you replied "yes" and you do believe any of these statements, Dr. Wayne Dyer, says that you have fallen for what he calls one of "the six lies that the ego (our false self) want us to believe."
In his book, The Shift, Dr. Dyer explores the process of moving away from an aimless life, directed by our ego and its lies, to one filled with meaning and purpose.
As he explains "The shift begins in the process of halting the momentum and self-importance of the ego. This doesn't mean we lose our drive; rather, it signifies that our drive is realigned with a life based on experiencing meaning and feeling purposeful."
"Who I am is what I have"
"Who I am is what I do"
"Who I am is what others think of me"
"I am separate from everyone else"
"I am separate from what's missing in my life"
"I am separate from God"
If you replied "yes" and you do believe any of these statements, Dr. Wayne Dyer, says that you have fallen for what he calls one of "the six lies that the ego (our false self) want us to believe."
In his book, The Shift, Dr. Dyer explores the process of moving away from an aimless life, directed by our ego and its lies, to one filled with meaning and purpose.
As he explains "The shift begins in the process of halting the momentum and self-importance of the ego. This doesn't mean we lose our drive; rather, it signifies that our drive is realigned with a life based on experiencing meaning and feeling purposeful."
He points out that, unfortunately, many people reach the end of their life without ever making this "u-turn" from ambition to meaning.
So, what exactly does this shift look like?
Characteristics of The Shift
According to studies, Dr. Dyer says that the top values for men and women, before and after making a shift in the direction and motivation of their lives, are as follows:
For men...
Before making the shift, the top values for men are:
- wealth
- adventure
- achievement
- pleasure
- being respected
After the shift, these top values changed to:
- spirituality
- personal peace
- family
- God's will
- honesty
For women...
Before making the shift, the top values for women are:
- family
- independence
- career
- fitting in
- attractiveness
After the shift, these top values changed to:
- personal growth
- self-esteem
- spirituality
- happiness
- generosity
Making The Shift
What causes these values to change?
How do you make this shift from ambition to meaning?
Why would you?
Dr. Dyer explains that often it is some type of fall or downward turn in one or more areas of our life (incl. health, finances, relationships, business, etc.) that causes us to change the direction of our lives.
"As with anything new, shifting from the morning of life into the afternoon and then evening will produce some surprising situations. This new direction, From Ambition To Meaning, is often accompanied by an unexpected event."
However, he does reassure us that "every fall has within it the potential to move us to a higher place."
What might this higher place look like?
Some possibilities include:
- Shifting our focus from external power to personal empowerment.
- Seeing ourselves as connected to everyone.
- Shifting our motivation from external achievement, performance, and aquisitions to ethics, serenity, and quality of life.
- Shifting to the possibility, even the expectation, of miracles being a natural part of life.
- Pursuing a meditation practice.
- Choosing to live in harmony with nature, rather than trying to exert influence and power over it.
- Becoming less judgmental, and more understanding and forgiving.
Once you do make the shift, Dr. Dyer promises the "manifestation of miracles and (a) newly discovered synchronicity" for you and your life including:
- The shift from entitlement to humility.
- The shift from control to trust.
- The shift from attachment to letting go.
To learn more about making the shift from a life of ego and ambition to a more satisfying one of purpose and meaning, I recommend The Shift by Dr. Wayne Dyer.
I would like to thank Hay House for sending me a free copy of "The Shift" to review. I am always happy to share things of value with the readers of this ZenChill Blog.